by Rev. Paul Doellinger
In Galatians, Paul recounts how Peter (Cephas) once extended to him 'the right hand of fellowship' (Gal. 2:9). Things changed, however, in Antioch when Paul confronted Peter and pointed out his error, opposing him to his face 'because He stood condemned' (Gal.2:11). In this famous confrontation, was Paul being 'too strict on doctrine,' simply trying to 'prove he's right,' or was he up to something more?
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons
Read Galatians 2:11-21.
Of the 13 epistles originally attributed to him, liberal scholars believe that at least seven were definitely written by Paul: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Philemon. Galatians DELTO Bullet Notes - Online Lutheran Bible Study. Galatians Delto Lecture Notes. What follow are notes taken from the old Delto lectures on Galatians by Dr. These notes were created by using the transcripts from the lectures. In all there were 45 volumes to the lectures. The first 12 volumes provided general background information for Galatians and much of the NT. is a platform for academics to share research papers. With the help of a good study Bible. If you are in a Bible study group, the members of your group can join together to find or contribute answers. Now that you have a good understanding of what the passage says and what it means, it's time to come to conclusions. You see, the Bible is not just a book for learning. In verses 7-8 Paul notes how the Galatians were 'running well,' proceeding in faith in Christ toward eternal life until a false 'persuasion not from (God)' was introduced into the Church.
1. The Scriptures are filled with God's commands and demands (Law) as well as His promises of grace and forgiveness (Gospel). The Formula of Concord Article V reads, 'The distinction between Law and Gospel is a particularly glorious light. It serves to divide God's Word properly [2 Tim. 2:15] and to explain correctly and make understandable the writings of the holy prophets and apostles.'[1] While 'The Law is holy, and the commandment is righteous and good' (Rom. 7:12), what is it unable to do for the sinner?
2. The false teachers in Galatia were, as Luther says, 'Changing the Law into grace and grace into Law, Moses into Christ and Christ into Moses. For they teach that after Christ and all the righteousness of Christ the observance of the Law is necessary for one to be justified.'[2] What are some works of the law, prescribed by present-day false teachers, which are added to the righteousness of Christ as being necessary in order for one to be justified?
3. 'The Law of Moses accuses and damns me. But against this accusing and damning Law I have another Law, which is grace and freedom…To die to the Law means not to be bound by the Law but to be free from the Law…Therefore let anyone who wants to be alive in the sight of God strive to be found outside the Law, and let him come out of the grave with Christ.'[3] What is the purpose of the Law? What should the Christian insist he be judged upon: the Law or grace?
4. Luther says, 'The maxim of all theologians (is): ‘He who lives according to the Law lives to God.' By contrast, Paul 'teaches the opposite: ‘Unless you are dead to the Law, you do not live to God.'[4] Why is the Law, as a means to salvation, so attractive to the sinner?
5. Under the Law we 'lose sight of Christ, who alone is (our) righteousness and life. Once He is lost, there is no aid or counsel; but certain despair and perdition must follow. By faith, the Christian looks to Christ alone: ‘Christ and my conscience become one body, so that nothing remains in my sight but Christ, crucified and risen.' [5] Since the Christian lives not 'under the Law,' but 'under Grace' (Rom 6:14), where should we constantly 'fix' our eyes (Heb. 12:2)?
6. 'To nullify the grace of God (means) to want to be justified by the Law… (Whoever) performs the Law with the intention of being justified by it nullifies grace, rejects Christ and his sacrifice, and refuses to be saved by this inestimable price; instead he wants to make satisfaction for his sins through the righteousness of the Law or to merit grace by his own righteousness.'[6] If justification and righteousness is achieved through the observance of the Law, then why did Jesus have to die? Where, then, is our comfort in the face of death and hell?
In his confrontation with Cephas, Paul was up to something more: preaching the sound doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Christ. The Law cannot justify the sinner. It provides no security in the face of death and hell. Only Grace in Christ, crucified and risen, can ease the terrified conscience.
Holding to sound doctrine as it is taught in the Scriptures and confessed in the Lutheran symbols is not about 'proving who's right.' Rather, it's about proclaiming the comfort of Christ to the sinner. 'If justification were through the Law, then Christ died for no purpose' (Gal 2:21). If someone says, 'you're too strict on doctrine,' that's a great opportunity to say with Paul, 'I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me' (Gal 2:20). Clinging tightly to the truth of the Gospel means that you and those to whom you proclaim will not 'doubt that you belong to the number of those who speak this ‘me.' Christ did not love only Peter and Paul and gave Himself for them, but the same grace belongs to and comes to us and them; therefore we are included in this me.'[7]
The Rev. Paul M. Doellinger is pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Cassopolis, MI.
1 The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, Eds.). Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000., Pg. 581.1
[2] Luther, Martin. Luther's Works, vol. 26: Lectures on Galatians, 1535, Chapters 1-4 (J. J. 2Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed.). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1963., pg. 142
[3] Ibid. pg. 156-157
[4] Ibid. pg. 156
[5] Ibid. pg. 166
[6] Ibid. pg. 180
[7] Ibid. pg. 179
Martin Luther freely acknowledged that Paul's Epistle to the Galatians was his favorite book of the Bible. The great reformer lectured on it in 1519 and again in 1523; and in his table talks, he was reported to have said, 'The Epistle to the Galatians is my epistle. Shaman tier 2.5. To it I am, as it were, in wedlock. It is my Katherine.' Later in life he commented, 'If I had my way about it they would republish only those of my books which have doctrine. My Galatians, for example.'
Through a new home Bible study being offered by Trinity Lutheran, people will have the opportunity to study what might be the very earliest epistle along with Luther's famous and penetrating commentary. This study will begin on Tuesday evening, April 16th and will be hosted by Jim and Katia Turner in their home at 1265 Vinton Avenue in Memphis. Trinity's Deacon, Douglas Morrison, will lead the sessions.
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Methods
These meetings will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, with the actual class time being from 7:00 to 8:00. The second session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30th, and will continue on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Guides
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Lessons
Read Galatians 2:11-21.
Of the 13 epistles originally attributed to him, liberal scholars believe that at least seven were definitely written by Paul: 1 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Philemon. Galatians DELTO Bullet Notes - Online Lutheran Bible Study. Galatians Delto Lecture Notes. What follow are notes taken from the old Delto lectures on Galatians by Dr. These notes were created by using the transcripts from the lectures. In all there were 45 volumes to the lectures. The first 12 volumes provided general background information for Galatians and much of the NT. is a platform for academics to share research papers. With the help of a good study Bible. If you are in a Bible study group, the members of your group can join together to find or contribute answers. Now that you have a good understanding of what the passage says and what it means, it's time to come to conclusions. You see, the Bible is not just a book for learning. In verses 7-8 Paul notes how the Galatians were 'running well,' proceeding in faith in Christ toward eternal life until a false 'persuasion not from (God)' was introduced into the Church.
1. The Scriptures are filled with God's commands and demands (Law) as well as His promises of grace and forgiveness (Gospel). The Formula of Concord Article V reads, 'The distinction between Law and Gospel is a particularly glorious light. It serves to divide God's Word properly [2 Tim. 2:15] and to explain correctly and make understandable the writings of the holy prophets and apostles.'[1] While 'The Law is holy, and the commandment is righteous and good' (Rom. 7:12), what is it unable to do for the sinner?
2. The false teachers in Galatia were, as Luther says, 'Changing the Law into grace and grace into Law, Moses into Christ and Christ into Moses. For they teach that after Christ and all the righteousness of Christ the observance of the Law is necessary for one to be justified.'[2] What are some works of the law, prescribed by present-day false teachers, which are added to the righteousness of Christ as being necessary in order for one to be justified?
3. 'The Law of Moses accuses and damns me. But against this accusing and damning Law I have another Law, which is grace and freedom…To die to the Law means not to be bound by the Law but to be free from the Law…Therefore let anyone who wants to be alive in the sight of God strive to be found outside the Law, and let him come out of the grave with Christ.'[3] What is the purpose of the Law? What should the Christian insist he be judged upon: the Law or grace?
4. Luther says, 'The maxim of all theologians (is): ‘He who lives according to the Law lives to God.' By contrast, Paul 'teaches the opposite: ‘Unless you are dead to the Law, you do not live to God.'[4] Why is the Law, as a means to salvation, so attractive to the sinner?
5. Under the Law we 'lose sight of Christ, who alone is (our) righteousness and life. Once He is lost, there is no aid or counsel; but certain despair and perdition must follow. By faith, the Christian looks to Christ alone: ‘Christ and my conscience become one body, so that nothing remains in my sight but Christ, crucified and risen.' [5] Since the Christian lives not 'under the Law,' but 'under Grace' (Rom 6:14), where should we constantly 'fix' our eyes (Heb. 12:2)?
6. 'To nullify the grace of God (means) to want to be justified by the Law… (Whoever) performs the Law with the intention of being justified by it nullifies grace, rejects Christ and his sacrifice, and refuses to be saved by this inestimable price; instead he wants to make satisfaction for his sins through the righteousness of the Law or to merit grace by his own righteousness.'[6] If justification and righteousness is achieved through the observance of the Law, then why did Jesus have to die? Where, then, is our comfort in the face of death and hell?
In his confrontation with Cephas, Paul was up to something more: preaching the sound doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Christ. The Law cannot justify the sinner. It provides no security in the face of death and hell. Only Grace in Christ, crucified and risen, can ease the terrified conscience.
Holding to sound doctrine as it is taught in the Scriptures and confessed in the Lutheran symbols is not about 'proving who's right.' Rather, it's about proclaiming the comfort of Christ to the sinner. 'If justification were through the Law, then Christ died for no purpose' (Gal 2:21). If someone says, 'you're too strict on doctrine,' that's a great opportunity to say with Paul, 'I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself up for me' (Gal 2:20). Clinging tightly to the truth of the Gospel means that you and those to whom you proclaim will not 'doubt that you belong to the number of those who speak this ‘me.' Christ did not love only Peter and Paul and gave Himself for them, but the same grace belongs to and comes to us and them; therefore we are included in this me.'[7]
The Rev. Paul M. Doellinger is pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Cassopolis, MI.
1 The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, Eds.). Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000., Pg. 581.1
[2] Luther, Martin. Luther's Works, vol. 26: Lectures on Galatians, 1535, Chapters 1-4 (J. J. 2Pelikan, H. C. Oswald & H. T. Lehmann, Ed.). Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1963., pg. 142
[3] Ibid. pg. 156-157
[4] Ibid. pg. 156
[5] Ibid. pg. 166
[6] Ibid. pg. 180
[7] Ibid. pg. 179
Martin Luther freely acknowledged that Paul's Epistle to the Galatians was his favorite book of the Bible. The great reformer lectured on it in 1519 and again in 1523; and in his table talks, he was reported to have said, 'The Epistle to the Galatians is my epistle. Shaman tier 2.5. To it I am, as it were, in wedlock. It is my Katherine.' Later in life he commented, 'If I had my way about it they would republish only those of my books which have doctrine. My Galatians, for example.'
Through a new home Bible study being offered by Trinity Lutheran, people will have the opportunity to study what might be the very earliest epistle along with Luther's famous and penetrating commentary. This study will begin on Tuesday evening, April 16th and will be hosted by Jim and Katia Turner in their home at 1265 Vinton Avenue in Memphis. Trinity's Deacon, Douglas Morrison, will lead the sessions.
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Methods
These meetings will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, with the actual class time being from 7:00 to 8:00. The second session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30th, and will continue on second and fourth Tuesdays of each month.
Galatians Delta Bullet Notes Online Lutheran Bible Study Guides
Free Online Lutheran Bible Study
Please plan now to join us for God's Word and fellowship. For more information, please call Jim Turner (496-4737), Deacon Morrison (522-8666), or the Church office (525-1056).